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Betting it all on recovery

Last updated: 19 June 2024

We wanted to share this story from Glennis Brown on the Convergence website

Glennis Brown is a Hauora a Toi Mental Health & Addictions Service Consumer Consultant, and is a member of the Manatu Hauora/ Ministry of Health - Minimise Gambling Harm Advisory Group

"Every time I lost at the pokies I felt vulnerable I was overwhelmed.”

I can feel the jackpot is just about to strike.

Watch that spin I nearly got it.

Another $20 is ok.

I can afford it today.

Yay the free spins will give me a bit more money to play with.

Thank goodness I put that $20 in then or I would have missed out.

Look at that $55 in there.

Now if I increase my bet I will win more while the machine is paying out.

Come on. You haven’t paid out for 20 spins. Oh there’s a win, must have heard me lol. It’s not much but I’m sure it will pay out again.

I’ll just pop another $20 in.

And another, and another, and another. The jackpot hasn’t been struck. I’m out of money time to go home.

That scenario played out time and time again increasing bets, increasing the money I could spend. Until I couldn’t afford it. Until I discovered that I had spent all my money I had put away for other things...

You can read their full story by clicking here.

"I also learnt more about the powerful pull of the pokies. They are designed to make you spend your money. They are usually in a low lit separated area of the pub or club. The pokies pay out on a drip feed to keep you going. The music and incentives. Free games. All designed to suck you into believing you will win big soon.”

Whai Awhina?
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